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- No parties or events allowed.
- Smoking of any kind is not allowed inside the house. Use the available balcony instead.
- No pets allowed unless agreed upon booking.
- Suitable for toddlers and children under 12.
- No unregistered guests allowed.
- Please don’t eat or drink in the bedrooms.
- Please respect the noise curfew.
- Please turn off the AC when you go out.
- Please respect check-in and check-out times.
- Please take extra care of your keys. Lost keys incur a replacement fee (140€).
- Please take care of the furnishings. You have to pay for damages that exceed the security deposit.
- Please don’t rearrange the furniture or ask for permission if unavoidable.
- Please do your dishes.
- Please take the trash out before you leave.
- No illegal substances allowed on the premises.
- Do not leave the windows open when leave the house
- Use the supplied remote control to arm the alarm system
- Follow the instructions in the house manual for the operation of the air conditioning/heating systems